Git: Add code from a local repo to Bitbucket
A few weeks ago I discovered Bitbucket, online hosting for DVCS code. This is what they tell about their service:
A few weeks ago I discovered Bitbucket, online hosting for DVCS code. This is what they tell about their service:
As so many, I became a proud iPhone 4 user back in March. I really enjoy this smartphone instead of a normal phone. There's so much more you can do, and the device works well.
Then iOS5 was released on the 12th of October. As I couldn't wait to get my hands on it, to see all those new features, I installed it that evening. I was lucky not to encounter any problem during the upgrade process. The OS was upgraded and everything got recovered without a single error. So far, so good.
When working on a site, there was a feature that enabled a new content type with certain fields. Apparently there was no need for a body field on the content type. I recreated the feature, but when deploying this feature, it will not remove the body field, as this could mean a loss of data.
I had to make use of hook_update to remove the field. Since it was a drupal 7 site, this means using the Field API. But in order to do this programmatically, you first need to understand the terminology.
I suppose you read my blog post on custom RSS feeds. I wanted to give a small update, as the solution described there was not sufficient. In the end I needed to output an XML file and every item had to be in the same format. As I was outputting the last node for three different content types, I needed to do some custom coding. The node_feed function was not the ideal solution.
I ended up making my own node_feed function. Here's the code:
I saw this movie yesterday. To my opinion it is a great video trying to describe what motivates people and also giving an explanation as to why opensource software and opensource communities are so great!
Last week I went to the drupal government days. On thursday I was able to have a quick chat with Dries. And apparently my friend Nektarios Sylligardakis took a picture of it. Thanks!
For a client I needed to make an RSS feed with the latest item of three content types. The feed needed to contain three items: one for each of the three chosen content types.
I was first thinking about using views, to make a selection and then make a feed display. But it's impossible to make union queries in views 2. I was able to make a display containing the three content types, limiting it to three items and sort the list on post date descending. But that didn't guarantee me to have an item for each content type.
On thursday evening the 3rd of March 2011, there was a special on Dries Buytaert and Acquia. The fragment is in Dutch.
On Sunday February 6, 2011, I talked about custom formatters at Drupal Developer Days Brussels. The information about the talk and recording of this talk can be found here:
I also uploaded the slides on slideshare. Those can be found here:
On a multi-site stack at a client, we were not able to run update.php anymore. The result was a WSOD (white screen of death). I tried to increase the php memory limit and disable my APC. But it didn't help.
When looking at the logs, the apache log didn't contain any error. But when looking at the php error log I found this error: